Sunday 21 March 2010

Part 2 Western Cape of Good Hope Boer independence

Part 2 of Western Cape of Good Hope & Boer independence.

The idea's & concepts for conflict resolution are suited for Boer Independence but the Democratic Alliance administration in the Western Cape could surely apply them to all South Africa.

I also recently saw a Youtube series of interviews with PW Botha where he said that he wished the South Africa & Southern Africa could have been "Confederated" & run on the European model of governance rather than the United States model of governance.

The Question is did PW Botha fear an Imperial Presidency in South Africa, a for shadow in his mind of the Presidency of Jacob Zuma or was PW Botha thinking in terms of the LB Johnson & Nixon imperial Presidency in the United States of America?

If I can get permission I will post this series.

I am not associated with the Democratic Alliance or the former National Party of South Africa

The following links are to organizations that help victims of crime & or raise awareness about the legal & human right of the Boervolk to a national community with a State that serves the Boervolk under Democratic & Legal rule.

Cape of Hope Western Cape & Boer independence

This is an updated video version of my first blog post.

I detail how Boer independence can be brought about in detail, with particular & deeper emphasis on the economy & security aspects.

Mugabe Song Comedy vs Evil

They say the best weapon to fight evil is its direct opposite satire & comedy.

All the best


Thursday 18 March 2010

Farm Murders

The reasons may be put down to some psychological or historical reasoning but no virtue can be found in this genocide, let the images tell, let the pain be felt & lets stop this barbarity.

Boer or Anglo-Saxon or Celt or Xhorsa or Zulu we are all Human beings, stop this murder of innocents.


Sunday 14 March 2010

Dear reader

The address below is the site of a news & forum site, that I am constructing. The forum is set up & has a question on South Africa. There is a tablet with a link to this site to the right hand side of the page. --->

This site is a social network site & will eventually be wide ranging in news security environmental & economic information.

All the best


Kemp News Economics

Kemp News Economics & Blog co-op - Kemp News provides News & economic information from England Europe & South Africa. We also provide news economic services & Schengen countries & Canada United States & Mexico. We also have links to blogs & forums where information & opinions can be exc

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Boervolk Independence Hope for Security of be Secure in Hope?

The best & most rational plan must account for the irrational in-equity & tyrant of evil men, for what other word could be used for people whose own actions have debased their own humanity; the murder of innocents & the sadistic torment of others. This factor must be in our minds, not to stir us to hatred or revenge but to plan to win in! The use of physical force is not a victory it is only a sign that a situation has come about where rationality & negotiation has failed, we however cannot allow people to be negotiated out of history so physical deterrent short of force has to be the course. The use of both home grown & foreign security companies must be a factor in consideration when we are witnessing the slaughter of innocent families. This subject is of course distinct from any independence movement because of the crime levels in South Africa; for the very same reason any plan for independence must include & also constrain our own power under a legal frame work. Why is this important well because the task is to preserve or more than this find an area where the Boer culture & volk can grow & develop into a post-modern society and at the same time holding true to positive traditions & to a true history open to self analysis. No culture can be entirely remolded or entirely in one place or time. This is not the age of the Boer war against Britain & it is not a post modern paradise based on the European model in Africa. We are always striving between work done & goals set this is our duty to progress & kith kin volk & world. Conceptually the European social market model & the US constitutional model are attractive points of reference but the Boervolk have their own way to use these tools to develope a state to serve the national community = volk-state.
With a strong background in civil defense & international private security any co-op security has resoruces to be called on to aid the national community of the Boer Republics. Such co-op's are already in effect in the shape of the citizens defense CD & private companies from outlands must thus be brought in under the law's of any autonomous Boer Republic area according to Natural Justice & democratic consent. Certain famous companies with experience of course come to mind. For a further overview please see the 1st post of this blog.

What can be done in terms of infrastucture planning to make the environment hostile to crime & criminals?

- Response from Boer & Afrikaaners to this vid can be summerized by the following answers they gave me, I have set out a plan of action as follows. Easy for me to write it out but it is for you to decide. If you think my summary of your answers or if you disagree please leave comments. We need to construct a solution.

Well, the most powerful question is Why? Why is it easier to attack some Boer farms than others, why are isolated farms with older people and fewer people more vulnerable. This of course begs the reaction as to how this the victims fault which of course is the response that it is not the victims fault. These attacks are being planned at some level, they mean to do us harm & their conception of normality is not civil society but chaos. That is the fundermental point.
The developement of communities based around farming but with the farming & residental residence seperated must be a key point in future planning of towns & villages in the Boer area.
We cannot live in a fortress of concrete walls but there are more subtle ways to defend an area & make it a suburban green fortress able to be defended. The psychological lay out of a town or village can be made as to require access only through certain raods which can be monitored by camera's & police. The look & pleasant atmosphere of a place such as a town can indicate to others that crime in this area is being met by crime prevention but it can also be an attraction. The fact though is that these murders are being conducted by people who already stand out as a out of place on a Boer farm but the isolation allows them to operate. The ANCYL for instance turning up for a rally in the middle of Berlin would of course be noticed is my point, the Boer republic area's are rural but that does not mean that Boervolk & Boer farmers families have to be isolated. That is a tradition which grew up because of the original wildness of Africa the predication of desease on people with out access to anti-biotics & also to maleria. When the Voortrekkers chose that method of survival it made sense. Now the Boervolk have access to & they provide for each other docters Hospitals & transportation. The Boers built South Africa's cities yet is there any mega metropolice of the Afrikanner people, no. We must be like the post modern settlers of today to create an environment condusive to a Boervolk being the majority within the Boer republic region & the building of large cities with the deterent of technology that prevents crime. Boer & Afrikaaner construction companies must offer large spacious apartments which control who is a allowed in & out to prevent attacks. Once crime is reduced & or independence achieved these residential appartments can be attached to office buildings so that a mixed use can be achieved & so the older style of living can be returned to; i.e suburban & rural life. Without a boarder with South Africa at present we must build an electronic fence & a co-opperative response, every citizen a worker & every citizen a policeman. It is however easy to learn to live in a fortress so as independence as an event is achieved & fades into recent memory town planning can rationalize this.

In essence we must pull our wagons together for now.

All the best
