Saturday 13 March 2010

Crime & ANC self justification

Hello Subscriber

In South Africa a question must be asked of the government if you are not here to protect us from crime then you have shown that the concept of duty to the society is not evident as your motivation for office.
"If you don't like crime, then leave" was, in short, the response of the justice & security minister.

See the video link below.

Africa in crisis link below.

This is in a time when 45 to 50 people a day are being murdered & 150 are being raped, that is of course a statistical average, some times it is worse & some times less worse.

Since 1994 52,000 people of Afrikaaner or Cape Dutch or English decent on the Cape coast in urban area's have been murdered. Is this normal?

Since 2001 3000 Boer families have been murdered on their farms. Is this peaceful prosperity?

Since 1994 South Africans of all cultures have left South Africa to live in Europe Australia New Zealand & the Americas. In all 1.9 million.

This is a war not peace & to call it a peace is just a cloak for it to continue. What is the answer?

Certainly not more war, do we join the criminals in some bloodbath of revenge no whilst it might serve a to balance our sense of natural justice for the victims, it will not bring those people their Son's Daughter's Mother's Father's Grandmother & Grand Fathers back.

What we can do is to take a positive step towards rationalizing grief into organization to move as far as the Boervolk are concerned to incremental independence.

But what of the other peoples of South Africa. The English & the Cape Afrikaaners must find some way to security. Private security & gated communities are only a somewhat able to stem the tide of crime, gated communities make stark the divisions in South African society. When we see the growth of divisible worlds of good governance & rule of law as a psychological divide then a choice is clear for those whose conception of norms are violence. Is a criminal in short more frightened by a gated community or by a vast and invicible surburbia where he has no chaos to hide in. Crime like terrorist insurgency, both may still apply in South Africa, require an environment conducive to flourish, that is provided by the ANC. They have forgotten their base yet use that very poverty as a reason for endless violent revolution.
Now revolutions in the past have often been violent but some time Governments themselves are Terrorists against the national-society & its laws. So if violent revolutions happen they are supposed to be a thing for an end a correction of a wrong. The endoctrination of University students by the ANCYL means that the revolution is a self contained process of itself it is self justifying & because of that it is a vicious circle of destruction & self absorbtion. This is personifed by Julius Malema.
If Boer independence does come then it can't come too soon. In the mean time a Western Cape well governed & a Boer republic with autonomy of banking , economic & policing policy is our best bet.
Check out the links to Solidarite & citizens defense below & at the top of the page.

All the best


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