Sunday 21 March 2010

Part 2 Western Cape of Good Hope Boer independence

Part 2 of Western Cape of Good Hope & Boer independence.

The idea's & concepts for conflict resolution are suited for Boer Independence but the Democratic Alliance administration in the Western Cape could surely apply them to all South Africa.

I also recently saw a Youtube series of interviews with PW Botha where he said that he wished the South Africa & Southern Africa could have been "Confederated" & run on the European model of governance rather than the United States model of governance.

The Question is did PW Botha fear an Imperial Presidency in South Africa, a for shadow in his mind of the Presidency of Jacob Zuma or was PW Botha thinking in terms of the LB Johnson & Nixon imperial Presidency in the United States of America?

If I can get permission I will post this series.

I am not associated with the Democratic Alliance or the former National Party of South Africa

The following links are to organizations that help victims of crime & or raise awareness about the legal & human right of the Boervolk to a national community with a State that serves the Boervolk under Democratic & Legal rule.

Cape of Hope Western Cape & Boer independence

This is an updated video version of my first blog post.

I detail how Boer independence can be brought about in detail, with particular & deeper emphasis on the economy & security aspects.

Mugabe Song Comedy vs Evil

They say the best weapon to fight evil is its direct opposite satire & comedy.

All the best


Thursday 18 March 2010

Farm Murders

The reasons may be put down to some psychological or historical reasoning but no virtue can be found in this genocide, let the images tell, let the pain be felt & lets stop this barbarity.

Boer or Anglo-Saxon or Celt or Xhorsa or Zulu we are all Human beings, stop this murder of innocents.


Sunday 14 March 2010

Dear reader

The address below is the site of a news & forum site, that I am constructing. The forum is set up & has a question on South Africa. There is a tablet with a link to this site to the right hand side of the page. --->

This site is a social network site & will eventually be wide ranging in news security environmental & economic information.

All the best


Kemp News Economics

Kemp News Economics & Blog co-op - Kemp News provides News & economic information from England Europe & South Africa. We also provide news economic services & Schengen countries & Canada United States & Mexico. We also have links to blogs & forums where information & opinions can be exc

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Boervolk Independence Hope for Security of be Secure in Hope?

The best & most rational plan must account for the irrational in-equity & tyrant of evil men, for what other word could be used for people whose own actions have debased their own humanity; the murder of innocents & the sadistic torment of others. This factor must be in our minds, not to stir us to hatred or revenge but to plan to win in! The use of physical force is not a victory it is only a sign that a situation has come about where rationality & negotiation has failed, we however cannot allow people to be negotiated out of history so physical deterrent short of force has to be the course. The use of both home grown & foreign security companies must be a factor in consideration when we are witnessing the slaughter of innocent families. This subject is of course distinct from any independence movement because of the crime levels in South Africa; for the very same reason any plan for independence must include & also constrain our own power under a legal frame work. Why is this important well because the task is to preserve or more than this find an area where the Boer culture & volk can grow & develop into a post-modern society and at the same time holding true to positive traditions & to a true history open to self analysis. No culture can be entirely remolded or entirely in one place or time. This is not the age of the Boer war against Britain & it is not a post modern paradise based on the European model in Africa. We are always striving between work done & goals set this is our duty to progress & kith kin volk & world. Conceptually the European social market model & the US constitutional model are attractive points of reference but the Boervolk have their own way to use these tools to develope a state to serve the national community = volk-state.
With a strong background in civil defense & international private security any co-op security has resoruces to be called on to aid the national community of the Boer Republics. Such co-op's are already in effect in the shape of the citizens defense CD & private companies from outlands must thus be brought in under the law's of any autonomous Boer Republic area according to Natural Justice & democratic consent. Certain famous companies with experience of course come to mind. For a further overview please see the 1st post of this blog.

What can be done in terms of infrastucture planning to make the environment hostile to crime & criminals?

- Response from Boer & Afrikaaners to this vid can be summerized by the following answers they gave me, I have set out a plan of action as follows. Easy for me to write it out but it is for you to decide. If you think my summary of your answers or if you disagree please leave comments. We need to construct a solution.

Well, the most powerful question is Why? Why is it easier to attack some Boer farms than others, why are isolated farms with older people and fewer people more vulnerable. This of course begs the reaction as to how this the victims fault which of course is the response that it is not the victims fault. These attacks are being planned at some level, they mean to do us harm & their conception of normality is not civil society but chaos. That is the fundermental point.
The developement of communities based around farming but with the farming & residental residence seperated must be a key point in future planning of towns & villages in the Boer area.
We cannot live in a fortress of concrete walls but there are more subtle ways to defend an area & make it a suburban green fortress able to be defended. The psychological lay out of a town or village can be made as to require access only through certain raods which can be monitored by camera's & police. The look & pleasant atmosphere of a place such as a town can indicate to others that crime in this area is being met by crime prevention but it can also be an attraction. The fact though is that these murders are being conducted by people who already stand out as a out of place on a Boer farm but the isolation allows them to operate. The ANCYL for instance turning up for a rally in the middle of Berlin would of course be noticed is my point, the Boer republic area's are rural but that does not mean that Boervolk & Boer farmers families have to be isolated. That is a tradition which grew up because of the original wildness of Africa the predication of desease on people with out access to anti-biotics & also to maleria. When the Voortrekkers chose that method of survival it made sense. Now the Boervolk have access to & they provide for each other docters Hospitals & transportation. The Boers built South Africa's cities yet is there any mega metropolice of the Afrikanner people, no. We must be like the post modern settlers of today to create an environment condusive to a Boervolk being the majority within the Boer republic region & the building of large cities with the deterent of technology that prevents crime. Boer & Afrikaaner construction companies must offer large spacious apartments which control who is a allowed in & out to prevent attacks. Once crime is reduced & or independence achieved these residential appartments can be attached to office buildings so that a mixed use can be achieved & so the older style of living can be returned to; i.e suburban & rural life. Without a boarder with South Africa at present we must build an electronic fence & a co-opperative response, every citizen a worker & every citizen a policeman. It is however easy to learn to live in a fortress so as independence as an event is achieved & fades into recent memory town planning can rationalize this.

In essence we must pull our wagons together for now.

All the best


Boer independence part 2 Economic autonomy for Boer Republics

In this video I follow on my argument for Boer independence from the vid Boer independence the EU (European Union) must help stop the farm murders. In this vid I state a rational objective for economic autonomy for the Boer republics. This could be on the basis of a structured agreement with a progressive democratic South African Government but at the moment this is not the reality. The reality is a genocidal level of crime in South Africa. The fact still remains that Boer Republic Treaties are still in effect for the legally recognized right of the Boervolk to independence as witnessed & supported by the United Nations.

For further detailed information on economic autonomy please see my first post.

All the best


Boer independence EU Must Help Vid

Further to my last two post here is a video talk on the subject.

All the best


Saturday 13 March 2010

Crime & ANC self justification

Hello Subscriber

In South Africa a question must be asked of the government if you are not here to protect us from crime then you have shown that the concept of duty to the society is not evident as your motivation for office.
"If you don't like crime, then leave" was, in short, the response of the justice & security minister.

See the video link below.

Africa in crisis link below.

This is in a time when 45 to 50 people a day are being murdered & 150 are being raped, that is of course a statistical average, some times it is worse & some times less worse.

Since 1994 52,000 people of Afrikaaner or Cape Dutch or English decent on the Cape coast in urban area's have been murdered. Is this normal?

Since 2001 3000 Boer families have been murdered on their farms. Is this peaceful prosperity?

Since 1994 South Africans of all cultures have left South Africa to live in Europe Australia New Zealand & the Americas. In all 1.9 million.

This is a war not peace & to call it a peace is just a cloak for it to continue. What is the answer?

Certainly not more war, do we join the criminals in some bloodbath of revenge no whilst it might serve a to balance our sense of natural justice for the victims, it will not bring those people their Son's Daughter's Mother's Father's Grandmother & Grand Fathers back.

What we can do is to take a positive step towards rationalizing grief into organization to move as far as the Boervolk are concerned to incremental independence.

But what of the other peoples of South Africa. The English & the Cape Afrikaaners must find some way to security. Private security & gated communities are only a somewhat able to stem the tide of crime, gated communities make stark the divisions in South African society. When we see the growth of divisible worlds of good governance & rule of law as a psychological divide then a choice is clear for those whose conception of norms are violence. Is a criminal in short more frightened by a gated community or by a vast and invicible surburbia where he has no chaos to hide in. Crime like terrorist insurgency, both may still apply in South Africa, require an environment conducive to flourish, that is provided by the ANC. They have forgotten their base yet use that very poverty as a reason for endless violent revolution.
Now revolutions in the past have often been violent but some time Governments themselves are Terrorists against the national-society & its laws. So if violent revolutions happen they are supposed to be a thing for an end a correction of a wrong. The endoctrination of University students by the ANCYL means that the revolution is a self contained process of itself it is self justifying & because of that it is a vicious circle of destruction & self absorbtion. This is personifed by Julius Malema.
If Boer independence does come then it can't come too soon. In the mean time a Western Cape well governed & a Boer republic with autonomy of banking , economic & policing policy is our best bet.
Check out the links to Solidarite & citizens defense below & at the top of the page.

All the best


Join movement for Boer independence

Links above are for citizen information & views of such organizations are there own.

Boer independence on the European social market & US constitutional model.

The plan for Boer independence; A Republic with Access to the Sea.

First the Treaties for the Boer republics in the legal sphere must be recognized.

Farmers who are not rich can form co-operatives who buy land to create a contiguous land area.

The rights of farms to property must be legally upheld in South Africa & the Human rights of South Africa citizens must be upheld in the Hague courts of Human Rights both international & European. This is because the European Court of Human Rights links up with the British legislature including the Privy Council House of Lords & the British Supreme courts, who are experts of authority on commonwealth laws & have a position to draw South African legal experts to call on the British experts of authority to decide on outstanding matters of law in South Africa, such as farmers property rights.

Richer farmers can buy up land or support the co-opporatives.

The Banking industry in the Boervolk republic area's must start to issue their own curency & have it recognized by national & international regulators. A key factor must be the backing of this by the South Africa Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund IMF, the World Bank & the European Central Bank. This ultimately can be joined together by the Bank of International securities, the Central Bank's Central Bank, which is in Geneva in Switzland.

Once the Banking industry has done this they can start to provide a base interest rate which speculators & investors can achieve a good return on investment in the Boer republic area & the Banks must offer to be involved in a co-opperative with Boer farmers, universities & business' s to offer micro-loans & larger loans for investment & infrastructure.

Once this is achieved the different Banking notes with a shared currency value, thus the actual notes would repressent the banks but collusion on the actual base rate so the Banks within the Boer republic would act both as a Central Banking co-opperative with 80 % of the value of the notes backed by gold/ silver/ & a basket of goods & services as well as at first a 100% insurance on banking account holdings. Thus investors will flood the accounts of the Banks with deposits which will serve as a basis for lending. The issue of notes of different banks all acting as one currency will create a monetary barrier to any ANC pressure on the South African Central bank to rein in the Boer republic's banks which would now be essentially their own independent national banking system. This will leave the ANC no option but to except that they have no economic dominance in the Boer republic zone. This sets the table for political negotiation as the ANC could not take the chance of being undermined by the Central Bank of South Africa.
Once economic autonomy is in place the banks will then rationalise the Bank notes to have symbols of Boer republic. So the coins notes & electronic credit would be a national currency.
There must be no currency entirely gold, oil or silver based & no entirely fiat money base rather their must be a fluctuation in the Boer rand for adaptation & monetary & national security.

This situation must be mantained until such time as there can be a period of detente with a more rational ANC leadership or a democratic government in South Africa comes to power.

However this must not be a time to rest on the bench, during this time the legal & infrastructure process must continue as well as building a system to support those made destitute by the ANC of Boer & Afrikaaner descent.
This will be done through a similar economic wall, a welfare system will be created based on Labor union & co-operative member support & citizenship so that their is no internal Boer divisions in wealth, the Republic of the Boervolk will maintain bonds on behalf of the owners of property but no more than 20% in peacetime & no more than 40 % worth in crisis or war time. Hence the Republic would start off at 40% bond on wealth of the land of each property & normalize to 20 % 3 years after full independence, after a referendum vote 12 years after that time i.e 15 years after independence the percentage of private land worth held by the state would be reduced to between 10% & 5% of land worth in private hands. Thus the state would have only the welfare/health system & tax system in terms of a Normalized economic situation. These bonds would be returned with interest after 3 years. Additional bonds would be held by the government of the Boer republic on any return of shares over 6 % and used for career creation & training for destitute Boer's Afrikaaners & English who are either in the Boer republic area or through out South Africa. Land sales to Afrikaaners English & Boer South Africans can be done privately so that a market is created & also good quality social housing would go to Boer's Afrikaaners & English South Africans who where made destitute by the ANC. The issue of immigration from Europe Australiasia & America of returning South African's of Boer Afrikaaner & English Decent & European American & Australian citizens who want to settle in a Boer republic will be for the legislature to vote on.
Immigration of non-Boer English or Afrikaaner South Africans must be kept to 10% of the population of the Boer republic, during autonomy welfare co-operatives, unions, private employers & other such Boer organizations individuals would mantain solidarity in respect of this 10% rule. The rule thus provides work for San & Bantu South Africans which will be needed for construction projects & a good basis of relations with South Africa after full independence.

Now comes the problem of intellegence & security, private & home grown security firms plus military personnel & returning Boer Afrikaaners & English South Africans currently serving in America Europe British Armed Services will be additions to Boer republic community defense which will be organized on the time honored system of draft service for all Boer republic citizens, this must be innitiated via home grown private & co-operative security organizations to prevent crime & also misuse of such organizations they will be under the law & provided for by the state legislatures in the Boer republic area, as full independence is brought about all such security organizations will be sanctioned by the citizens & legislature. This co-operation will be under the remit of police & training staff in the Boer republic area so that any unconstitutional use of force is prevented. The police will be responsible for security during the period of autonomy & thereby training of a future military Army Navy Airforces Intelegence service & Marines will be passed from the police as independence takes place & the police will no longer have any military function beyond individual members activation as part of the reserve emergency forces, for natural disasters, invasion or insurgency. The military after independence will swear to uphold the constitution (the form of which will be decided by the legal experts to uphold natural & human economic rights in a democratic system & will be agreed by referendum) & not have any role in policing beyond boarder defense & anti-terrorism.


The ultimate way the state serves the Boervolk & its extent is for the law & democracy to decide but a pointer would be that the European Union's social market produces to the point of maximum social benefit, that point changes all the time so economic adaptation is necessary to provide the best return & welfare to the people for their labour both physical & accedemic.
A good basis for independence is a university system linked with the British & European universities.
A Boer republic would be a natural ally for the United states & the European Union. China is an unknown quantity but its effect on Africa was is & will be profound, since 1990 30 million chinese people have emmigrated to Africa & this trend for China's food fuel & internal security is probably going to increase. As to islamic insurgency & the general problems of African poverty hunger & war those must be solved in a context beyond this blog but a Boer republic would be an obvious partner for the West & maybe even a more democratic future China to.
What is certain is that a Boer republic would be a ray of light on a continent that the rest of the world sometimes tries to forget. The Boer's physical/accedemic work ethic & moral ethics would bring reserch and development & investment of productive capital i.e machines tools, factroies & Laboratories & infrastructure. A Boer Navy would bring security to east Africa's sea lanes & allow ports to India China Indonesia & Japan to open as well as Europe & the America's.

If you would like to read on or see more vids please do & please support this movement, every movement starts with one person making a stand but what is most important is that we all do our part within our means to uphold our personnel virtue. By this we make a community of virtue.

Human rights & norms of civil society

Natural Rights & economic rights are universal & the origin of these rights are the self-determination of human beings as individuals & as part of a culture & national community.
On this principle laws based on Natural Justice recognize these rights to life liberty pursuit of happiness, legal equality & the right to property housing & the right to strike.
The spectrum of concepts that people call political ideology are attempts at solving these problems.
However this is not a political conflict but a recognition that human beings must be able to live in terms of the norms where by life is possible to function without fear of tyrants or primitive feudalism destroying civil society.

The problem

In South Africa the ANC government is either inept or unwilling to prevent the murder torture & rape of South African citizens.
The ANC has a deeper cultural knowledge than western people could ever have of the Xhorsa & Zulu nations that comprise its base support yet it has not met even these basic needs for the cultures it is most suited to meet. Do the ANC expect the United States or European Union to advise them on police policy for Africa. No. The ANC was voted in as a government to govern, to set their policy idea's against the standards of constitutional Law & democratic scrutiny & vote by elected members of the legisature of South Africa.
If the ANC cannot even police the societies that it draws its support from then why, why would Afrikaaners & Boer society have any faith that the ANC has the ability to police the Boer nation.

Africa is demanding that the Boer farmers & the Afrikaaners of all trades come to help neighbouring African nations produce food & build infrastructure. Yet the ANC does not seem to understand what culture (entrenched problem solving) & politics (analytical problem solving) are.
Julius Melema at Free State University meeting began singing a song "Kill the farmer, Kill the Boervolk." this is an elected official (the crowd of 600 students gave a raputurous ovation, education in this Orwellian South Africa is close to indoctrination).
Thus Julius Malema demonstrates his treason to South Africa as a state.
For the President of a nation-states & the citizens are equals in a democratic state under the law. It is the states function in multi-national societies such as South Africa, the United States & the European Union to preserve the peace which protects us from harm as individuals protection the Natural & Economic rights of individuals. That is why there is an executive with police & defense functions under the Law. The state thus serves the nation not the other way round. Jacob Zuma has thus disgraced the office of president which he holds only under the law & under the democratic system. Jacob Zuma just like Julius Malema by singing "bring me my machine gun" demonstrates a fundermental lack of respect for human life. The office of President of South Africa is dishonored.
Beyond & above any cultural or historic reference which of course historians & legal experts can weigh in the fullness of time, where as we do not have that luxury as virtuous & moral human beings, we must raise awareness of the issue of crime in South Africa & the open primitive feudalism of the ANC who cannot even articulate or provide for their own base of support yet alone the English Afrikaaner & Boer national communities.
The Boervolk need to move towards incremental independence, Africa needs investment capital & a farming surplus or ever country in Africa will follow the same course we have seen before. Western & Chinese elites & corporations asset, resource stripping & causing arms races. Which then leads to wars famines & corrupt petty tyrants seizing power for mystical irrational religious or political ideologies. Is this not shown by the History of the Boer wars itself where crime organizations wanted the resources of Kimberley & forced the Governments & militaries of the British Empire & the Boer Republics into conflict.
Evil men like Cecil Rhodes still exist & there are no end of willing cronies like Luran Kabela Jacob Zuma & Julius Malema willing to drag decent human beings into chaos for their own personel engrandizement. We have seen this model of conflict & decay before in Africa again & again, in Congo, in Zimbabwe, in Somalia & Sudan where the Saudi & Binladen Families are increasing their deep power over those regions.
When the Boervolk's new voortrekkers of this century can find demand for their farming talents in Somalia & Somaliland while in South Africa & in Zimbabwe farms are being seized or the Boer families killed & in Zimbabwe the ulitmate act of futility burning the very farm buildings & crops. Then we know that surely this is as far as we can fall away from the norms of civil society & yet the ANC either by ineptness or planning find new ways to drag South Africa down.

Africa & South Africa must find a new path.

We in this movement want to draw a line under the past & build a new future, nationalism is to be understood in its pure form as an affirmation of life culture & right to exist not as the ANC have misunderstood it constant destructive & genocidal revolution.
The Boers have treaties with the Zulu from Dingan's time & with the British, these have been recognized by the United Nations since 1994. So the legal basis for self rule & indeed independence is there. More than this during the 20th century after 1916 the Boer republics did rule themselves.
There can be no sudden UDI like Rhodiesian Leader Smith did because this will prick the egos of Hawkish conservative factions in the west & lead to outcries of irrational racism from the ultra Frankfurt school-multi-culturalist in the NGO & media. This would be counter productive as it would not leave any room for the rational center to help Boer independence & for this we must look to the European nations, the European Union & United States. Even some Jewish groups might be willing to help the Boer's due to South Africa's traditional economic & security co-opperation with Israeli & the Jewish humanist tradition as opposed to the ultra-zionist tradition. This brings the question of mantaining rationality because even within the Boervolk there are irrational or rather unhelpful links to groups such as AWB. Now the AWB has in the past stood alone on the matter of Boer independence but as much as they preserved the issue in the media they diverted it & subverted it to their own narrow political idea's of far-right politics.
Any new Boer republic is not going to be a fascist or communist state. The Boer's problem is totalitarianism, to replace the symbols of the Boer republics for the AWB flag was as counter productive as loosing a adept political figure as Mandela & replacing him with Zuma was for the ANC. We will be ignored by an embarrised or even hostile world if we let the AWB hold this campainge ransom to their politics.
It will not stop the Farm murders or gain support from Europe & the US or any centerist party in South Africa.
We must have Boer independence on the European social market & US constitutional model.
Once that is achieved it is to the individual & the vote of his or her feet that will show how well the Boer Republic with access to the sea will prosper. The Afrikaaners of the Cape to will benefit as their politcal capital will appreciate now they have an African alternative to move to if needed.
The Boer republics must be open to European immigration & to the concept of English as a second language. This is an important part of a strategic policy to gain allies most Boervolk are multi-lingual & the Boervolks high intellegence & skill in the acedemic & practical trades will keep them in good sted for the future.

Boer independence, make a start, stop crime in South Africa & support the culture of Boervolk.

By Infokemp